So, away from the usual format of this blog, the format which gives you more of an 'essence' of the experiences we are having and change it up a bit for this one post to spell out what our very lucky bods have been up to during the period of radio silence that was our 'vacation'.
Christina Lake. Just near the US/Canada border and about 3 hours away from sunny Kelowna and all the Okanagan traffic that has swelled to bursting, didn't think we'd be trying to 'get away from it all' so soon, considering as recently as last year we were part of that tourist influx...
Our week began with a G&T...OK, my week began with a G&T on the rocks with extra lemon, looking out over the most beautiful lake sunset surrounded by a million kerzillion (I am graciously informed by Amelie, who counted them, so there) trees.
Let the excitement begin.
The wind was too strong to put the boat in on Tuesday so we went to play golf. Obviously. Never played before and let me tell you, that man back in Cowdray Park Corporate day in 2006 (who had his grip on my waist rather too intently), the one who told me I had a great swing and I should take up golf because I was a natural... well, he was lying. Let's leave it there... I said leave it. We had a blast, the kids were a ton of fun and we managed to get around 9 holes without upsetting the golfing fraternity and their etiquette I think, they even said we should come again... I don't trust the likes of those golfers any more... talent. pah.
So with a run under my belt on Wednesday, at last I pounded those new forest floors and it was great to be back, the boat was successfully launched into clear unsuspecting warm waters... on top of, under the surface of and slicing through those waters became the order of the week, thanks to our gracious and generous hosts.
Actually, although all of the above is true, even the edited highlights of those hours of fun on the back of that contraption, the act of being brave enough to lie next to your ten year old son who wants your reassurance and at the same time wants to show off his new found bravado, was the most fun I've had in a long time. Well, probably second to watching Andy and Amelie from the comfort of the boat when it was their turn... but the best antidote to that was still to come for me... and hats off to the amazing Rona who jumped in where mummy failed and allowed her body to be thrown around at the mercy of the wind & waves looking after my babies when their parent's arms hurt too much. My hero...
After lots of swimming in, it was sailing through the water in a rather more sedentary manner that became my newest obsession, under my own steamy steam in a Kayak.
I'm not going to mention that I took to this rather more quickly and capably (for once) than my husband who is good at everything. I won't mention that he was petrified of this little craft that was determined to pick him up and cast him into the deep waters all by itself. I won't also mention that he found it so unnerving that he couldn't turn or look around and really wanted to make it go away as soon as he humanly could. It would also be a bit cruel to tell you that when I lost my way a little and ended up wedged under someone's boat launch at the mercy of an oncoming speedboat's wake, that he didn't stop or attempt to help, he was on a mission to get his clenched butt back to dry land and sod the wife, he could send out a search party if needs be. If I mentioned all of those things then it would put an ugly taint on the whole experience so I'm going to leave that bit out... if it's all the same to you...
What I will say is that when I graciously gave up my comfortable GIRL's kayak to Andy in place of the somewhat less stable albeit more streamlined (=faster) vessel all was well in Andy's world. We had lots of fun, sauntering through the waves, exploring the shores for hours on end, we even lost track of time and made it back to an almost empty house, kids away for ice cream with Uncle Dave and our lovely hosts already left for their next adventure... but next time this mad English chick will give that wilderness land a bit more respect and take food. And a hat, and sunscreen. My arms hurt so badly that I couldn't even lift them to pour water on my dehydrated highlighted hair... Oh but we had such an amazing time...
What a wicked vacation that was. Never before have I returned so refreshed, so relaxed and so armed with another sackful of memories under our slightly tighter belts and a new warmth to an old friendship... Thanks R&J x